The upgrade also strike wilderness slayer

7M an hour is ridiculous and he is not even botting. Almost as much money TOB raids at equipment and max combat. A little bit of low level questing and the time is the barrier to entry. He forced Jagex's hand and just exposed this. When will this sink to peoples heads. Individuals are out there buying skilling providers for 7-15m/h to have people train OSRS gold accounts. These people are maxing without playing their acc buying max accounts. JageX don't care. They dont give a shit. They ban a few infernal capes here and there occasionally"whenever they feel like". Thats all they can perform.

Revert it in this stage. The upgrade also strike wilderness slayer very tough, and secured the rune pouch behind 750 slayer points or this mess. Jagex always has been and is incredibly slow and uncooperative to acknowledge when they have published a poor upgrade and revert or alter it, the worst and most cited example where they actually killed RuneScape with the double tap of trade limit and EoC. Today this trend continues. Matters like this and several other examples is what makes the community reluctant to vote in game altering content RuneScape will need to endure, like new abilities. While the player base definitely has more confidence in Jagex than it used to, its still difficult to provide them the freedom they want if things like this happen.

Well commerce limitation was not just something they wanted. Pretty trade limitation was a last resort option made on them due to players breaking the legislation through RuneScape. EoC on the other hand... disgusting. From the Runescape Documentary that a couple of years ago, I believe one of those Gower brothers stated they were getting an insane amount of stolen credit cards being used for bot accounts. Visa stated that unless they mended problem charges back Visa was going to ban Jagex.

It was likely only the amount willing to participate in it. It's pretty hard to do so, but if you've ever played to buy RuneScape Mobile gold with a mostly JP game or onto a JP server, then you'll notice a serious decrease in things like evident RMT advertising. It isn't that the Japanese(or whatever country you can choose, JP is just the one I know of) are somewhat more extensive of RMT busting, it's just that there's less of a market for those RMTers. Runescape just appears to have a disproportionate number of players.