The treatment which you use for oily hair

Although a useful and commonly used technique, hair transplant surgery has side effects as well such as shock loss which is a temporary yet common sort of side effect. Also hairs transplanted can start falling off at a rapid rate thus resulting in balding again. The areas in which hair have been transplanted can swell as well.The treatment which you use for oily hair will vary depending upon the severity of it. There are hair products especially designed for oily hair which are not as moisturized as some other products. You should also avoid over brushing your hair, and cleaning your hair brush every now and again is a great idea. Although over washing your hair can often cause it to become more oily, it is said that the hair should be washed more frequently than if it were dry. This is to make sure that the scalp is cleansed. If you do decide to wash your hair daily, make sure you are using a mild shampoo. Also, oil can build up on your pillow case so always make sure that you wash your bedding frequently otherwise the oil will easily transfer to your hair and make it oily. Some women also find that the contraceptive pill can help with oily hair. Strangely enough if you do not treat your oily hair, you could end up with acne on your chest, face and back as if you touch your hair, you will be touching the oil, which you will then spread onto other parts of your body, causing the skin to become oily too. Also, leaving the hair oily often causes more damage to the hair and it can lead to potential problems such as dandruff.It is thought that the best shampoo available to treat oily hair contains lemon. There are various recipes you can find online which show you how to make your own hair care products. These are often better at treating any hair condition as you know exactly what is going into them, and they are completely natural so they are less likely to damage the hair.Overall, oily hair can be a pain and it can be hard to get rid of but there are shampoos out there to help you. You could also speak to your doctor about other alternatives such as the contraceptive pill if you are a woman.        More information on human hair wigs, please visit the website: