Premature graying of the hair is alsonoticed

Every mom had a different method: One saturated her daughter's head will a spray-on the tangier and reached for a wide-tooth comb, Another would fumble in her handbag for a small nylon-bristled brush, which she violently raked through her stoic child's tresses. Yet another mom would section her girl's locks into four parts and pull a wooden natural-bristled brush from root to tip, root to tip, until all strands had been groomed.

I no longer have friends who live with their mothers, so for hair-care advice I turn to hairdressers, who have shown me exactly what kind of brush to use and how to use it­information I will happily pass on to you.The right-brush and combWhen was the last time you actually went shopping for a hairbrush? If you're like me, you have a drawer full of brushes that your hairstylist gave you, that came packaged with a bottle of shampoo as a promotional item, or that found themselves into your hair-care collection some other way.

It could aid loss of hair leading tobaldness or dandruff generation or hair fall on account of variety of problems.Extreme temperatures and the presence of pollutants in the air can also causeextensive hair loss. Similarly, mental stress and extreme work pressure alsocontribute towards loss of hair. A combination of all these factors can lead tocascading effects. It is often noticed in the form of premature hair loss.These days the trend of youngsters aged around thirty years completely losingtheir hair on the head is nothing new.

Premature graying of the hair is alsonoticed these days among people of younger age. A number of prescriptions areprovided to avoid premature loss of hair or fall of hair. Some of theseprescriptions also come in the form of medicine. But the best way to maintainhealthy hair is to nurture the natural growth of hair. The hair growth can bepromoted by using a number of simple techniques such as meditation, yoga andexercise. The hair on the head needs the right diet,rich in protein and vitamins, for good growth.

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